02186906777 (parmin) Precision Punch & Die Cutter

Universal Testing Machine,Hardness Tester,Weather Station,Metal Detector,Check Weigher,Impact Testing,Uji Kekerasan,Alat uji,Jual Alat Uji,Alat Uji Indonesia

Description :Uji Presisi Jalur Punch & Die Cutters dimaksudkan untuk persiapanyang akurat dan cepat dari potongan uji untuk digunakan dalam tes kekuatan tarik, tes cincin menghancurkan, uji ketahanan lipat,menguji air serap dan tes serupa lainnya tanpa deformasi dankerusakan. Sangat cocok untuk memotong rentang yang sangatluas bahan lembar seperti plastik, kertas tekstil, dan kertas karton.Uji pemotongan sampel Multi bersamaan layak.

ukuran potong : 15x300, 25x300, 50x300, 100x300 mm dan juga tersedia pada kebutuhan pelanggan.

Features :

  • Strip Punch– For preparation of test pieces towards use in tensile strength tests size 15x300mm.
  • The Precision Test Strip Punch & Die Cutters are intended for accurate and rapid preparation of test pieces for use in tensile strength tests, ring crush tests, folding endurance test, water absorbency test and other similar tests.
  • It eliminates testing errors due to sample preparation.
  • Cutting of multi samples simultaneously possible.
  • The cutter is provided with an automatic clamping device, which by means of clamping beam, holds the sheet material firmly prior to the cutting action.
  • Punch & Die manufactured from tempered tool alloy steel to ensure long life.
  • Sturdy Model, easy to operate.
Specification :
Available for the following test piece sizes:

15 X 300 mm
25 X 300 mm
50 X 300 mm
1/2 X 6 inches

Accuracy :

Test piece width 15 mm, 25 mm and 1/2 inches± 0.05 mm
Test piece width 50 mm± 0.1 mm
Test piece length± 0.1 mm

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